Water Melon Festival
4 varieties of organic watermelons are introduced by The Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department
The first organic farmers' market will be held at 1/F, Maritime Square 1 from 10am to 6pm between 21 June 2024 and 24 June 2024.
The festival promotes organic watermelons and other premium agricultural products, and strengthens sustainability of local agriculture. People can buy local organic agricultural products, enjoy booth games and workshops as well as receive a gift when they purchase watermelons.
The four varieties of watermelons introduced are:
Huang Yu
Huang Yu is spherical and features a green skin with dark stripes as well as juicy and crisp yellow flesh.
Seedless 3F-2728
The seedless 3F-2728 melon is spherical with a dark striped green skin and red flesh.
Super Sweet Black Angel 168
The spherical and juicy Super Sweet Black Angel 168 has a green striped skin and bright crimson-coloured flesh.
The oblong Diana comes with an intense red flesh encased under a bright striped yellow skin.
Starting from late June, people can purchase local organic watermelons and other seasonal vegetables and fruits at organic farmers' markets. They can also order from the Vegetable Marketing Organization via the "Local Fresh" website and mobile application or purchase from certified organic farmers listed on the Hong Kong Organic Resource Centre Certification website.